Rebecca Saunders: Building inspiring communities and embracing you in business!

Mar 15, 2024

Embracing Your Quirky Side: A Conversation with Rebecca Saunders

Are you looking for tips on how to bolster your personal brand and embrace your quirky side?

Rebecca is a business and life advisor for ambitious women who want to do life and business unapologetically on their own terms. She helps female business owners turn their uniqueness into a superpower, celebrate their successes, and create dream lives and businesses by design.

The Power of Conversation in Building a Community

Rebecca believes in the power of conversation and creating a supportive community for regional business owners. The Champagne Lounge is an online platform where members can connect, share their stories, and support each other without the pressure of traditional mastermind or membership programs. Instead of overwhelming members with more to-do lists, the focus is on genuine conversations and connections.

Embracing Uniqueness and Personal Branding

Rebecca is a firm advocate for being uniquely you and embracing your quirks. She encourages women to show up authentically and build their personal brand based on their true selves. As a business and life advisor, she helps women overcome the fear of judgment and embrace their individuality. She believes that personal branding is essential, especially in today's digital age, where our personal brand is a standout in a sea of AI and automation.

Tips for Embracing Your Quirky Side

Rebecca shares some valuable tips for those who want to embrace their quirky side and bolster their personal brand:

  • Practice the "hell no" or "heck yes" approach to decision-making. This helps in setting clear boundaries and understanding what truly resonates with you.
  • Celebrate your achievements and milestones. Take the time to acknowledge your progress and growth, no matter how small.
  • Surround yourself with the right people. Building a supportive network of like-minded individuals can significantly impact your confidence and self-expression.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. Seek advice and guidance from those who have tread the journey before you. No question is too trivial when it comes to learning and growing in your business.


Rebecca's vision for the Champagne Lounge is to continue growing the community and connecting with more female business owners across the country. She aims to maintain the open-door policy, welcoming new members and fostering genuine conversations and connections within the community.

If you're interested in learning more about Rebecca and the Champagne Lounge, you can connect with her on Instagram. Follow her at @thechampagnelounge_ for valuable insights and inspiration.

Embracing your quirky side and building a personal brand rooted in authenticity is essential for success in business. With the support of a community like the Champagne Lounge, women can find the encouragement and empowerment they need to thrive in their entrepreneurial journey.

Let's Chat!

I love chatting with new and veteran business owners. In this free 15 minute call we can brainstorm some ideas to propel you forward and see how I can support you to do so. If you are ready to sky rocket your success, let's jump on a call!

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