Shaking up the norm and having more fun on Instagram

Feb 23, 2024

I want to share some new insights and strategies that have brought fresh energy and excitement into my business, particularly on Instagram and ManyChat.

Revamping Instagram Strategy

In a recent Power Project session, we discussed what's working on Instagram in 2024. I made a bold decision to take a completely different approach to my Instagram content. Instead of producing deep, thoughtful, and meaningful posts, I decided to make my feed and reels more high-level and basic. The goal was to attract a cold audience who may not necessarily be seeking business advice but are interested in following someone within the rural and regional community. Surprisingly, this strategy worked incredibly well, leading to a significant increase in profile visits and engagement.

Implementing ManyChat Bot

To further optimize my Instagram posts, I incorporated ManyChat, a bot that can automate commenting and responses. By setting up a chatbot, I was able to quickly and efficiently engage with my audience, leading to a surge in momentum and interaction. Additionally, I turned one of my posts into an ad, resulting in 40 new followers with just a $10 ad spend.

Utilising Instagram Stories

In addition to revamping my feed, I also decided to take a different approach to my Instagram stories. Instead of solely focusing on promotional content, I began sharing more behind-the-scenes insights, strategies, and discussions that I have with my clients. This approach not only creates a conversation but also provides valuable content to my audience without giving away too much free advice.

Embracing Fun and Freshness

The key takeaway from these new strategies is the importance of having fun in your business. If a particular platform or strategy is feeling challenging or draining, it's essential to shake things up and find a new approach that brings excitement and energy. For me, this meant reimagining my Instagram content and incorporating tools like ManyChat to streamline engagement.

As a business owner, it's crucial to constantly explore new ways to inject fresh energy into your business. Whether it's through experimenting with different social media strategies or embracing innovative tools like ManyChat, the goal is to make your business fun and enjoyable. So, if you're feeling stuck or uninspired, consider taking a new approach and see how it can transform the energy in your business.

I hope these insights have sparked some inspiration for you to bring new excitement into your business. If you have any questions or want to share your own experiences, feel free to book a free call with me below!

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I love chatting with new and veteran business owners. In this free 15 minute call we can brainstorm some ideas to propel you forward and see how I can support you to do so. If you are ready to sky rocket your success, let's jump on a call!

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